Tuesday, December 05, 2006

tragedy of the commons

Hmm, I didn't do the html properly. If necessary you can cut and paste this link into your browser:

You can click on the wiki link above. It's sad but true, in my opinion. I've gradually become aware of the fact that our earth's natural resources are being consumed at a non-sustainable rate. And the consequences of resource depletion will be dire, and there is no easy solution that we are aware of.

Therefore, we need a genius to come up with a breakthrough, or an act of God, or advanced alien technology to rescue us. I know that this doesn't seem likely. But the alternative seems almost as unlikely: We as a human race have to give up our selfish tendencies. Fat chance!

Unfortunately, when it comes to conserving resources, when 1 person does it, they receive a tiny benefit, and so does everybody else. So, it is to each person's advantage to not bother to conserve, because they will benefit from using up the resources, and also benefit from everyone else who decides to conserve resources !!

Because of this, I feel that it is essential to stop population growth immediately. I wish I knew of way to do that. Certainly, that is a compelling reason to not have more than 2 children. Lack of birth control and education in the third world (where the population explosion is occurring) is a big problem, obviously. Paradoxically, our improvements in medicine and technology which save lives also contribute to the problem.

If you do decide to have more than 2 children, it's something to think about. This reminds me of Ender's Game. (The first chapter is called 'Third'. Read it if you can.) If I do have more than 2 children, then I will definitely encourage them to think about this issue.

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